So last May at Uncle Dick's funeral, a few of us decided to put together a nice but simple site so the whole family could keep in touch. I chose to take up the task and the site is now ready.
I chose this blog-style site for two reasons:
1) It's incredibly easy to maintain and anyone can essentially post on it.
2) I'm very lazy.
So post away- I'm still figuring out ways to make accounts for all of us, or maybe just make one or two master accounts that anyone can use to simply log in and put in a post. This is a very user-friendly setup (it's made by Google) and anyone can essentially post pictures, videos (note the Youtube bar!!) or just give a quick hello.
I urge anyone in the family, including the inlaws, the outlaws and the spouses to contribute any time you feel like sharing some news with the family. If anyone needs any assistance, please contact me at jonjoefischer@mac.com.
All the best,
Jon Fischer
Jon, all I can say is WOW! My dream has finally come true!!! Thank you soooooo much for putting this together and for anyone else who helped in the slideshow for Uncle Dick, it was AMAZING! This is awesome!!!!!
hello all,
this is my first "blogging" experience. Question for all you young cousins, is there anything I have to know about this? I have mastered text messaging, so now onto blogging! Jon, nice work on this creation. Where did the rosary picture come from?
cheers from texas!
Jon - you are the best! Thanks so much for doing this! Kerry - can't help you out with any tips as this is my first blog too.
We'll look forward to more updates from everyone soon!
Hey Kerry! The rosary picture came from around 1947 and I believe it was taken in my mother's home.
As far as the blogging, it's a pretty simple setup. Don't try to over-think any of it, just click the 'Help' key if you get lost.
The picture is after 1951 because little Mike is in the photo, however Dick is not in the photo as he had already left for the Seminary. This photo was taken for the Catholic Courier, so don't begin the conspiracy theory of "Who's behind the camera?!?"
OK I am still trying to figure this blog out and have a request of sweet Aunt Mary Ann or any other older Kinsky (I don't think I can rely on my mother as I don't think she will be the blog type). In the photo - left to right...can you identify everyone for us? I haven't figured out the younger ones.
Also - the photo is tagged as 66 Crawford vs 77...right?
PS - As of course you know, older does not mean old....
Hi Kinsky Family
I'm Rudolf Kinsky and live in Vienna, Austria. I just saw your blog and am writing to figure out whether there is any family connection. Can anybody please tell me what if any your family links are to Bohemia/Czech Republic and Austria? We were not aware of a US family connection and would very much appreciate a response.
Best regards
Grüß Gott Rudolph!
Es gibt ja eine Möglichkeit daß unser Verwandten bestimmt aus Tschechisch kommen, aber die Wahrheit ist momentan 'dunstig' sagen wir :-).
Falls ich mehr Informationen finde, werde ich alles mitteilen. Dennoch Willkommen bei der Seite! Ich bin froh Sie haben uns entdeckt! Wir haben die Seite diese Woche geschafft und schon im Jänner haben wir einen Besucher!
Alles Gute!
Jon Fischer
Thank you for your outstanding work on The Kinsky Website!!! I think we are all having "1st Blogging experiences"...and it is nice to know we keep it in the family!! Can't wait for the updates....I will find some great pictures to share.
Aunt Judy Kinsky
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